
spritz cookies

spritz blitz Don’t ask me what “spritz” means, but I think essentially a spritz cookie is just a butter cookie, shaped and done up however tickles your fancy! This was one of my favorite cookies as a kid, I think because my grandma would make them in these fun shapes and they were always sprinkled …

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handmade pierogies

handmade is better I don’t know if it’s even possible to be Ukrainian without loving pierogies. And it’s not even just the fact that they’re made up of fluffy, savory potato or cabbage filling swaddled in a tender blanket of dough, but it’s also the feeling of nostalgia and familiarity that comes with eating and …

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italian pignoli cookies

pining for pignolis These Italian Christmas cookies are a real treat. They’re easy to make, but they feature one of the most coveted and tasty of nuts–pine nuts (or pinolis in Italian). They can be pricey, and this recipe uses a whole lot of them, but I think the holiday season calls for a little …

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porcini mushroom sauce

it’s not all gravy, baby Sometimes gravy gives me the ick, but this mushroom sauce is definitely not gravy. Sure, it has the similar methods and the same utility as gravy, but this sauce is delicious and it’s a keeper. Not to mention an absolute staple on my Thanksgiving or Christmas Eve dinner table. This …

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thanksgiving stuffing

there’s always a hot take on thanksgiving food My Thanksgiving hot take is that I hate traditional stuffing. It’s usually super dry and kind of flavorless. I don’t like big chunks of bread, and I definitely don’t like anything that comes out of a box. However, there’s one type of stuffing that I look forward …

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