
spritz cookies

spritz blitz Don’t ask me what “spritz” means, but I think essentially a spritz cookie is just a butter cookie, shaped and done up however tickles your fancy! This was one of my favorite cookies as a kid, I think because my grandma would make them in these fun shapes and they were always sprinkled …

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mushroom lentil soup

A little lentil goes a long way Lentils are a highly underrated food, in my opinion. They’re not only super good for you–high in protein and fiber among other things–they’re also very filling and relatively cheap. A big back of lentils won’t set you back but will go a long way in keeping you satiated. …

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orange olive oil cake

all you need is love and olive oil One ingredient that I don’t really use in moderation is olive oil. I seriously go through so much of the stuff, I should probably get my own personal olive tap…if only I had room in my tiny kitchen. All jokes aside, as useful as olive oil is …

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egg dressing

two eggs make a right You’ve heard of egg salad, but have you heard of egg dressing? It’s an easy way to add a dose of protein and flavor to your leafy greens. The great news is, this might be one of the easiest recipes you’ll ever make. Okay, you do need to hard boil …

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