orange olive oil cake

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orange olive oil cake

all you need is love and olive oil

One ingredient that I don’t really use in moderation is olive oil. I seriously go through so much of the stuff, I should probably get my own personal olive tap…if only I had room in my tiny kitchen. All jokes aside, as useful as olive oil is for cooking, it also makes a great addition to baked goods like this orange olive oil cake. While just plain olive oil tastes great to me, fresh oranges add an amazing citrus boost to this cake, while the oil gives it a moist texture that just kind of melts in your mouth. It’s really simple to make, and it’s a total crowd pleaser if you’re cooking for guests. Don’t forget to serve it with some fresh fruit and a dusting of powdered sugar for a memorable presentation. 

⟶ the recipe

orange olive oil cake

orange olive oil cake


2 cups gluten-free flour

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon baking powder

¼ teaspoon baking soda

1 ½ cups sugar

3 large eggs

½ teaspoon vanilla extract

1 cup extra-virgin olive oil

1 tablespoon orange zest

¼ cup freshly squeezed orange juice

1 ¼ cups milk

Powdered sugar for sprinkling

Prep time

30 minutes

Cook time 

45 minutes

Total time

1 hour 15 minutes

6-8 servings


Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Brush the bottom and sides of a round cake pan with extra-virgin olive oil. 

Whisk together the flour, salt, baking powder, and soda in a large mixing bowl, then set aside. 

In a medium mixing bowl, beat the sugar, eggs, and vanilla with an electric mixer until light and fluffy. 

While the mixer is running on low speed, slowly drizzle in the olive oil. Stir in the orange zest, juice, and milk until well-combined. Add the flour mixture to the wet ingredients, and beat on low until batter is well-combined. 

Pour batter into the cake pan, and bake for about 45 minutes, until center of cake is set. Check for doneness by inserting a toothpick into the center of the cake and seeing that it comes out clean. 

Allow cake to cool completely before dusting with the powdered sugar. Serve with fresh berries and a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

⟶ recipe notes

  • For the olive oil, you’ll want to use a really good, truly extra-virgin olive oil, but try to steer toward an oil with a more mild or fruity flavor versus a spicier or potent flavor. I used the Kosterina Everyday olive oil

⟶ modifications

  • I made this cake using gluten-free flour, as I’ve found the cake is just as good with it as with all-purpose flour. You can use either to achieve a nice, moist texture

⟶ make it ahead and store it

  • This cake can easily be made ahead and enjoyed up to 5 days after making it. You don’t need to reheat it and can store it covered with aluminum foil on the counter or in the fridge

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Nadia Kurtz

Ohio-born, Brooklyn-based. Lover of chocolate. Life is better with a good meal and a glass of wine.

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