⟶ featured recipe

borscht margarita

One of my favorite things to whip up over the winter was just a pot of hearty, flavorful borscht. It’s pretty easy to make–just boil some beets with other veggies and some herbs–and I would just keep jars of it in the fridge whenever I was in the mood for it. With the weather getting nicer…

⟶ explore by season

borscht margarita

latest recipes

carrot coconut soup

carrot coconut soup
with roasted chickpeas

coconut turmeric rice

coconut & turmeric
rice with leek greens

honey cake

(Ukrainian honey cake)


handmade pierogies (verenyky)

mushroom lentil soup

mushroom lentil soup

pork chops in sour cream

pork chops in sour cream

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Nadia Kurtz

welcome to the blog!

Hi, I’m Nadia, and I’m so happy you found yourself at Thyme to Zest! I started this blog as a passion project, driven by my love of cooking, creating recipes, and food photography. Alternatively, it’s a very elaborate way to store recipes (haha). 

I’m no expert in any of those things I mentioned above, but my hope is that this motivates you to try new things and learn along with me. I believe cooking should be a fun and relaxing experience, so if you do try one of my recipes, all I ask is that you don’t take it too seriously. Odds are, you’re going to end up with something delicious. 

Now pour yourself a glass of wine (or tea), and get cooking!