violet haze

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violet haze

a riff off the old aviation

You know the one…it inspired Ryan Reynold’s gin label? You sometimes see it swishing around a classy coupe at a local speakeasy? Well, if not, you’re in for a real treat. A classic aviation cocktail is typically made simply with gin, maraschino liqueur, and crème de violette. I decided to step things up a bit (and yes, I may have been slightly inspired by one of Taylor Swift’s latest hits), but I gave this cocktail a “hazy” feel by shaking in some egg white. To balance that out, I added a touch of fresh lemon juice, and I topped the whole thing off with some edible flowers. Now get shaking, and meet me a midnight for a drink 😉

violet haze

⟶ the recipe

violet haze

violet haze


2 ounces gin

½ ounce maraschino liqueur

½ ounce lemon juice, freshly squeezed

¼ ounce crème de violette

1 egg white

Ice cubes

Sprig of lavender or edible flowers

Prep time

10 minutes

Cook time 

5 minutes

Total time

15 minutes

Makes 1 cocktail


Add the gin, maraschino liqueur, lemon juice, creme de violette, and egg white to a cocktail shaker. Shake ingredients for about 20 seconds. 

Add a scoop of ice cubes, and shake for another 20 minutes. 

Strain mixture into a coupe glass and garnish with a sprig of fresh lavender or edible flowers.

⟶ recipe notes

  • The fizz from the egg white can sometimes seep out of the cocktail shaker, so make sure to hold it tightly and shake over the sink

⟶ make it a mocktail!

  • Although this drink is mostly alcoholic ingredients, there’s nothing stopping you from making a mocktail that has a similar flair. For the sweetness, you can make a lavender simple syrup by simmering 1 part water and 1 part sugar along with some fresh sprigs of lavender on the stove for about 30 minutes. Strain the lavender and allow the simple syrup to cool before using it in the cocktail. Then, for the rest of the ingredients, double the lemon juice and top the drink with sparkling water after straining the mixture. For added sweetness and color, you can also add a splash of grenadine or grape juice

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Nadia Kurtz

Ohio-born, Brooklyn-based. Lover of chocolate. Life is better with a good meal and a glass of wine.

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