turmeric sweet potato grain bowl with marinated kale

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Sweet Potato Bowl With Marinated Kale and Lemon Goat Cheese Sauce

Quinoa bowls are always on my go-to weeknight meal list when I’m short on time or lacking imagination. Don’t get me wrong—this recipe isn’t unimaginative. I’ve just made so many grain bowls it’s like second nature for me now. I especially love this recipe, because it’s super hearty, and even though it’s vegetarian, I feel like I’m getting my full dose of protein. I also love how the lemony goat cheese sauce and marinated kale add a punch of flavor while introducing a plethora of nutrients. 

the art of the customizable bowl

The best thing about quinoa bowls, in my opinion, is how customizable they are. I’m probably going against my own cause here, but it’s the type of dish for which you don’t even really need to look up a recipe. As long as you’ve got some quinoa on hand, you can dress it up however you like and with whatever ingredients you happen to have laying around. (Stay tuned for my upcoming compilation post on quinoa bowls. The options are endless!). 

what's with the marinated kale?

It might sound kind of weird…like, why would you want to marinate kale? Just give it a dressing, right? But hear me out. Although I love kale by itself, it can sometimes be a bit dry, and you have to admit it takes awhile to chew. Marinating it with olive oil, apple cider vinegar, salt, and sugar, softens the firm leaves and gives it a deliciously sweet and tangy flavor. I promise, once you start marinating kale, you won’t stop! 

what you'll need for this dish

Again, if you feel like customizing your quinoa bowl, please feel free! But here’s what I used:

Tricolor quinoa I know quinoa can sometimes be expensive when you’re in the store. The trick is to buy it in bulk and store in an airtight container. And then, a little bit of uncooked quinoa goes a long way

Sweet potatoes and eggplant I love cooking with this yummy combo of veggies, especially when roasting!

Turmeric powder I used turmeric powder for ease, but if you’re feeling ambitious, swap it for some freshly grated turmeric root

Dried cranberries Adding a handful of dried cranberries gives this dish an extra pop of flavor. Plus, it looks so pretty and seasonal

Lemon goat cheese sauce This is one of my favorite sauces to include in just about any quinoa bowl. You can find my recipe below

Marinated kale If you’re in a jam, massaging plain kale with olive oil will work just as well. But it won’t give you that tangy flavor I keep raving about!

Feel free to follow my recipe for this dish below, but like I’ve mentioned, this is a perfect example of a dish that can get modified a million different ways. And once you’ve begun making weekly quinoa bowls, I challenge you to try some different combos and post the recipes!

⟶ the recipe

turmeric sweet potato grain bowl with marinated kale

Sweet Potato Bowl With Marinated Kale and Lemon Goat Cheese Sauce


1 cup quinoa

2 large sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into cubes

1 eggplant, cut into ¼-inch slices

1 teaspoon ground turmeric

Handful of dried cranberries

Salt and pepper

For the lemon goat cheese sauce

1 tablespoon creamy goat cheese

¼ cup greek yogurt

1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

1 clove of garlic, minced

Drizzle of olive oil

Salt and pepper

For the marinated kale

1 bunch of curly kale

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

1 teaspoon sugar

1 teaspoon salt

Prep time

15 minutes

Cook time 

30 minutes

Total time

45 minutes

2-4 servings


Preheat oven to 400 degrees, and begin marinating the kale. Remove kale leaves from stems and chop leaves into small pieces. Place kale pieces in a large bowl with the olive oil, and massage with your hands until kale is completely coated in oil and has lost its stiffness. Add the vinegar, sugar, and salt, and toss until kale is well-coated. Set aside.

Toss sweet potato chunks in a medium bowl with a bit of olive oil, salt, pepper, and turmeric. Arrange the sweet potato and eggplant on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Drizzle eggplant with olive oil and top with a bit of salt and pepper. Roast veggies for about 15 minutes before checking on them. You will probably need to remove the eggplant first, once they’ve begun to brown and the skin looks crispy. Place the eggplant in a separate bowl, and flip sweet potato pieces. Continue roasting for another 15 minutes or until golden brown. 

Meanwhile, cook quinoa according to package instructions. To make the lemon goat cheese sauce, combine goat cheese with yogurt in a small mixing bowl, and whisk with a fork until combined and the texture is smooth and creamy. Stir in the lemon juice, garlic, salt, and pepper. Taste and adjust seasoning. Drizzle plenty of olive oil and stir until nearly combined.

Once quinoa and veggies are finished cooking, use a ladle to spoon quinoa into shallow bowls. Add the veggies and kale, then top with sauce and a handful of dried cranberries.

⟶ recipe notes

  • The thing I love most about quinoa bowls is you can customize them any way you like, sometimes depending on what ingredients you have in the fridge! I chose sweet potato and eggplant for this recipe, but any roastable veggies will work as well. A couple other favorites include carrots, parsnips, and Brussels sprouts

⟶ modifications

  • Quinoa has plenty of protein, but if you want an extra protein boost you can add some roasted chickpeas or black beans (to keep it vegetarian), or you can add some shredded chicken (if vegetarian isn’t necessary for you)

⟶ make it ahead

  • You can make the marinated kale and goat cheese yogurt sauce ahead of time! Sometimes I double these portions and keep them in my fridge to add to other meals. The sauce is great condiment with meats like pork and steak, or you can simply use it as a dip for raw veggies. The kale is great on pizzas or even just by itself as a salad (no need for dressing!)

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hi, I'm Nadia!

Nadia Kurtz

Ohio-born, Brooklyn-based. Lover of chocolate. Life is better with a good meal and a glass of wine.

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